OPINION: Let’s make paper recycling even stronger with EPR

Waste Dive, January 9, 2024 Submitted by the following members of the Product Stewardship Institute: Too much paper and cardboard is still going to waste in the United States. Contrary to popular belief, recycling costs money and even the most recycled materials should pay their fair share of recycling programs….


Muratore, O’Connor honored at SSRC 25th Recycla-versary

May 25, 2023 At its 25th “Recycla-versary” on May 16th, the South Shore Recycling Cooperative honored Representative Mathew Muratore (1st Plymouth) and Senator Patrick O’Connor (1st Plymouth and Norfolk) with Environmental Hero awards.  The award has been given to fifteen outstanding citizens and legislators since 2000, including now-Plymouth County Treasurer Tom O’Brien, now-Mayor Bob Hedlund of Weymouth,…


Guilty as charged? (re Lithium batteries)

By Jim Morrison, Globe Correspondent, Boston Globe, 4/19/2023 As e-bikes, scooters, and hoverboards powered by lithium ion batteries become increasingly popular, fires resulting from their improper use, charging, and storage are also on the rise. The Massachusetts Department of Fire Services does not specifically track fires related to lithium ion…


What exactly goes in the recycle bin and what doesn’t?

CBS Boston, March 9, 2023 (excerpts) Video here PEABODY – About one-third of Americans recycle, but despite our best intentions we recycle things that hurt the cause. So, do we really know what goes in the recycling bin? To find out, we went to Green Works, a recycling process facility…
