January 2025
December Board meeting highlights
Black Earth Compost collects food waste
RDP Grant Reports, requirements, changes
Discussion: Solid waste program funding
Regional hauler recycling enforcement staff
Fall HHW review
SSRC releases 2024 Annual Report
SEMASS towns: Get your free mercury spill kits
Data surveys, BR Memos, RDP reports due Feb. 15
DEP awards $4 Million in muni waste redux grants
Li-Ion battery likely caused 4-Alarm Onset fire
SW Facility fire prevention and response webinar (EBC)
Come to DEP Muni Recycling Council, Jan. 30, Kingston
Join Mass. Product Stewardship Council call Feb. 25
Producers readying for 5 packaging EPR laws in US

December 2024
October Board meeting highlights
Eco Plus Recycling Service
Marshfield accepted into SSRC
Grinding, screening contracts extended
Basler recognized after decades of service
DEP MAC report
Director’s report: CH contract, legislation
Clean Ride EV grant program
Marshfield (re)joins SSRC!
Fall HHW wrap-up
Cohasset Recycling & Transfer Facility burns down
Abington, Hanover taking disposal out of tax base
MassDEP awards $1.8 Mil to local recycling biz’s
Disposal tonnage in Mass. going up
New Mass. Climate Law includes EPR Commission
Surveys find low knowledge of battery hazards
OR sets “producer pay” rules on packaging waste

October 2024
September Board meeting highlights
Tough Stuff recycles mattresses
HHW Contract awarded to CH
DEP MAC report – batteries
Basler to retire
Marshfield BPW votes to re-join SSRC
SSRC arranges tank, tire collections
HHW Depot hits a snag
HandUp SSRC mattress recycling report
Reduce your unwanted mail
Helpsy, Good Point Recy honored by NERC
MA, CO resources boost Zero Waste efforts
MA leads nation in reducing wasted food
Composting cuts carbon emissions
Keurig penalized for false recyclability claims

September 2024
August Board meeting highlights
RecycleWorks collects food waste
FY25 Budget, Plan, HHW contract, WM fire
Compost site training 10/10
Fall HHW, tire, propane tank, fire ext. collections
Plan a Pumpkin Smash
SSRC renews PSI membership
Plymouth H4H receives MassDEP Microgrant
SSRC presenter/Dad makes national news
NERC commodity value reports
Staples, ERI, C2R simplify battery recycling
Logitech increases use of recycled plastic
Multilayer plastic packaging on chopping block

August 2024
June Board meeting highlights
Green Team Junk Removal
New FY25 EBoard members: Flipp, Murphy
Other meeting topics
Avon FD, Aid partners, extinguish WM fire
Propane tank woes
Bedford takes on surplus property waste
The struggle to get rid of HHW in Boston
MassDEP to double waste ban inspections
New rules ease aerosol can disposal
Is trash the next utility bill?
Help for munis getting ready for storm season
MassRecycle Podcast: K-12 Organics diversion
Another session ends with no solid waste laws
White House proposes plastic restrictions

June 2024
May Board meeting highlights
HHW administration fee approved
EBoard nominations
MassDEP grant prep, updates
HHW Depot update
Welcome to new staff and intern
Spring HHW season breaks record
MassDEP SWAC meeting focus: HHW!
5 area schools earn Mass. Green Team awards
MassPSC meets key legislators about paint bill
Boston25 reports on paint stewardship bill
Minnesota governor signs Packaging EPR law
Nat’l strategy to reduce food waste announced
Colgate-Palmolive reports on sustainability progress

May 2024
April Board meeting highlights
HandUp Mattress Recycling
HHW, Hauling & Recycling bids/contracts
EBoard Nominating Committee
Paint Bill support requested
HHW Depot progress
Spring HHW season breaking records
New Asst. Assessor Howie hits ground running
DEP Grant changes; apps due June 12; SSRC help
Incorrect PW rates still being issued
MassRecycle Conference: Tackling waste
OSHA Workplace Safety at Transfer Stations
CO legislature Oks packaging EPR implementation
Recycling Works. Refute the naysayers or it won’t.

March 2024
February Board meeting highlights
HHW Depot update
Hauling bid, Prevailing Wage, Recycling bid
Legislation update
Get ready for grants! Webinar 4/10
Registration is open for 6 spring HHW events
NSRWA, McGovern reprise compost workshop
The SSRC is on the air again
Lombard’s, others, violate Plymouth recycling regs
Local experts clear up recycling confusion
Final Forge fined for dumping Plymouth haz waste
Contamination costing compost sites
SWANA supports Bottle Bills, with caveats
Industry, enviro groups, lobby for nat’l bottle bill
February 2024
January Board meeting highlights
Helpsy pays for textiles three ways
Bid responses: hauling, recyclables, C&D
DEP reporting deadlines, issues
2023 Annual Report
South Shore Regional HHW Depot update
BBBSF upgrades textile pickup scheduling system
Plymouth voters narrowly reject nip ban
Libraries of Things are becoming a thing
Stewardship bill is moving! MassPSC to meet 2/27
Register for MassRecycle Conference 3/19
Study finds rising risk of lithium-ion fires
SMI emerges from bankruptcy
The persistent problem of waste (Burns & Levinson)

January 2024
November Board meeting highlights
BonsaiLogic – fee collection, security
Hauling, recycling, C&D IFB
Talking trash
HHW Depot update
Fall HHW summary, staff status
MassDEP grant prerequisites due Feb. 15
New RDP grant info posted online
Plymouth to vote on nip ban Jan. 13
Glass recycler SMI files for bankruptcy
NH bills target out-of-state trash
Packager Ball pushes EPR, deposit-return
NREL study: US paper recovery 38%, not 68%
Recycling, NGOs discuss chemical recycling

November 2023
October Board meeting highlights
Waste Zero provides PAYT support and more
Compost management contracts extended
Regional HHW Depot committee appointed
Lively roundtable of topics
Hauling, recyclables and C&D bids
Welcome Sarah, our new HHW Supervisor!
Fall HHW wrap up
HHW publicity survey – town websites win
What do we do with disposable vapes?
RDP grant changes announced; 12/12 webinar
Plymouth nip ban challenged, Jan. vote set
Newton restricts single use serviceware
Legislative stewardship bill briefing set for 12/6
CT Mattress stewardship marks 8 great years
Wash. DC passes all-battery stewardship law
Federal packaging legislation reintroduced
Apple supports national repair law

October 2023
September Board meeting highlights
2M resources seeks source separated glass
Take the glass out of single stream recycling?
HHW contract extended
DEP SWAC HHW subcommittee proposed
SSRC awarded $250K grant for HHW depot
More on SMRP grants, MassRecycle event
Free tire collections with PCMC
SSRC to bid transfer station hauling, recyclables
Make your job easier with website improvements
State Contract for PAYT bags saves money
Plastic water bottle bans: Hingham, Cohasset
Weymouth PS textile PSAs
MassPSC is meeting with Enviro Committee members
NY reaches million gallon paint collection milestone
CT city enacts bagged organics co-collection with trash
September 2023
August Board meeting highlights
Disaster debris management review
Discussion: Mattresses, C&D, deconstruction
HHW depot, legislation updates
Fall Haz Waste registration is open
Holden glass facility expands local market
Rats in the trash? Try the Cambridge Rodent Diet
Kingston pilots organics waste collection
If your muni curbside contract expires in 2024…
Help expand EV charging: report big muni vehicles
Terracycle acquires CRS
Director tours Cradles to Crayons
Paint stewardship law enacted in IL
NRRA creates battery disposal toolkit

August 2023
June Board meeting highlights
Bay State Books
New Product Stewardship Resolution passed
Regional HHW Depot matching funds approved
Regional hauling, C&D bids proposed
EBoard re-elected
Fall HHW dates confirmed
Nash retires, Mirza appointed new Branch Chief
Bishop gets out of Waste, dives into Water
Casella’s Boston MRF reopens after $20M upgrade
Product stewardship bills featured at ENR hearing
Mass. Solid Waste Forum explains PaintCare bill
SSRC renews PSI membership
How EPR for HHW became a reality in Vermont
SWANA Listserv: Solar compactors; Public space sharps
Amazon working to reduce packaging

June 2023
April Board meeting highlights
Eco+ Recycling Services
DEP Grant preparation
Regional HHW depot update
IMA, Scituate training, Oil pickup issues
SSRC celebrates 25th Recycla-versary
PCMC, SSRC collect 500 tires
Curbside mattress service gets no rest
Recycle your Styrofoam® (EPS) at PSU
Be heard at waste reduction bill hearing June 14
EPR legislation could reduce waste in Mass. (KMB)
Vermont passes first-in-nation HHW EPR law
Recycling groups urge FTC to modernize Green Guides

April 2023
March Board meeting highlights
Recolor Paints
Regional HHW Depot proposal
25th Anniversary planning
Prepare for RDP grant applications
SSRC, PCMC team up for free tire collections
HandUp Mattress pickups in high demand
Regional HHW Depot proposal update
Braintree cancels Spring HHW due to CH fire
Clean Harbors wants to reopen after fire
Clean Harbors won’t commit to air monitoring
NSRWA/SSRC host Composting workshop
DEP Chief Heiple to speak at SSRC Recycla-versary
MassRecycle pushes back on myth of recycling “hoax”
WM, Republic move forward on big plastic plans
WM MRF upgrade plans expected to yield big returns

February 2023
January Board meeting highlights
Boston Carting Services
Regional HHW Depot
Mattress issues, solutions
25th Anniversary celebration
RDP Grant preparation
SSRC releases 2022 Annual Report
Welcome our new HHW Supervisor
7 HHW collections set for April, June
Regional HHW Depot explored
Composting workshop 3/15
Curbside mattress pickup 3/29
SSRC, recycling issues featured in multimedia
Enlightening Abington recycling survey
Weymouth Schools Community Partnership
MassRecycle Conference 3/23, Marlborough
Muni waste relief bills refiled on Beacon Hill
Study compares chemical, mechanical recycling
Remembering Ellie Donovan

January 2023
December Board meeting highlights
Green Mattress Recycling
HHW Depot
25th Anniversary planning
DEP RDP grant awards
Equipment and Intermunicipal Agreements
DEP Data Surveys, RDP items due 2/15
Get a leg up on RDP grants
HHW Publicity survey: Muni websites are crucial
Director tours Brockton Recycling/HHW Depot
CommonWealth, WGBH feature Galkowski on plastics
MassDEP launches new facility reporting portal
Solid waste relief bills to be (re)filed on Beacon Hill
NY Gov Hochul: Packaging EPR a 2023 priority
1.9 MW PV array deployed on local recycling facility
December 2022
link to newsletter
New HHW contract with Trident
SSRC still seeking HHW help
Sticker sales, car fire, troublemakers…
Only you can prevent battery fires
Food waste recovery offered at Needham TS
WC adds Trojan Recycling to Mass. acquisitions
Greenpeace shoots plastic recycling in the foot
Plastic containers ARE recycled, and in demand
MassRecycle rebuts NPR about plastic recycling
The truth about plastics recycling
MassDEP contaminated mattress cert. form
SWANA listserv: Keeping up with batteries
CT enacts first US propane tank EPR law
PSI releases chemical recycling report

Oct. 2022
September Board Meeting highlights
New owner Waste Connex: W. Wareham Zero Waste MRF
New HHW contract
HHW landscape a hot topic in MA, Northeast
NAHMMA conclave
Mass. HHW huddle
The HHW future for SSRC
SSRC/HandUp collection partnership a success
MMA helps smooth bumpy Mattress ban rollout
MassPSC, MMA working on legislative relief
Abington BOH surveys residents on recycling program
Reading issues ultimatum to Republic
MassPSC: Help pass mattress, paint stewardship laws
MassDEP Contracting workshop highlights

Sept. 2022
June Board Meeting highlights
Big Brother Big Sister Foundation/CMRK
EBoard re-elected
Mattress ban preparation
Executive Director back from leave
Sludge, equipment delays, alt fuels, food collection
DEP’s Ellie D. addresses long lines at SEMASS
HHW on Wed. nights? What happened
Curbside mattress pickups scheduled
Mattress recycling plans post disposal ban
Another legislative session with no solid waste relief
California is 4th US state to enact packaging EPR Law!
CT WTE closure further challenges regional capacity
US DOE creates $335 M battery recycling programs
McKinsey: By key measure, plastics beat alternatives

June 2022
March Board Meeting highlights
HandUp mattress recycling
Impending Mattress, Textile waste bans, grants
Market values strong
MassDEP grant advice
Misc. Interesting Stuff
South Shore schools get Green Team awards
Abington’s Schultz leads vape pen discussion
Lithium battery sparks fire at NH transfer station
2 Mass. WTE facilities to close
MassRecycle Conf: dwindling disposal options, remedies
New Mass. disposal bans effective Nov. 1
Boston to start curbside food waste pilot
Plastic eating enzyme found in compost
Mass. Paint, Bottle Bills advance to W&M
Gov. Polis signs CO packaging EPR bill into law
Oregon Mattress EPR bill becomes law
CT passes first-ever gas cylinder EPR law

March 2022
February Board Meeting highlights
Spiegel South Shore Scrap checks in
Grinding, screening contracts awarded
Exec. Dir. to go on partial family medical leave
MassDEP RDP grants, data surveys
Spring HHW collections
Lithium, Li-Ion batteries a hot topic
Please share: Zoom Home Compost Workshop on 4/1
RDP 2022 Grant updates are posted
Embed Recyclopedia widget, get a point
SSRC on the air again through May 1
How are you celebrating Earth Day?
Cape disposal crunch: Exploring trash export by rail
Mass. C&D filling landfill meant for Maine waste
EPR bills’ reporting date pushed to 3/31
Mass. bill would raise bottle deposits to 10c, cover more items
WIN Waste Innovations acquires NER
US recycled paper capacity growing

February 2022
November Board meeting highlights
ReCollect reaches residents
Prepare for mattress, textile Waste Bans
Talk among the Towns
23 years- the Flower anniversary
Executive Director report
PACTV airs another PSA for SSRC
Mass. awards munis $3.1M in RDP grants
Disaster debris planning, management
Verify electronics recyclers to avoid liability
Debate to continue on Bourne Landfill expansion
ABC Disposal poised to sell to Waste Connections
Plastics Pact lists problem materials to be avoided
Mass. Better Bottle Bill advances to Senate W&M
National bottle bill to land in Congress soon
EPR still tops state recycling policy debates

November 2021
September Board meeting highlights
RecycleWorks: cost-neutral food waste service
Municipal issues of the day
Vice Chairman Basler stars in PAC TV PSA
Scituate Fishing for Energy addendum
Rockland featured in ReCollect video
Blaze consumes ten trash trucks in Norton
2020-2030 Solid Waste Master Plan released
Mattresses, textiles to be banned from disposal
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle-Palooza!
Craft beer brewers reducing packaging waste
Boston25 highlights Mass. Packaging PR bill
EPR leaders report to Muni Recycling Council
CA to ban recycling symbols on non-recyclables
Stakeholders talk recycling fixes before Congress

September 2021
July Board meeting highlights
Obaggo system turns plastic bags into “pucks”
News from our MAC
Town issues: PAYT bags, house cleanouts
Director report- EPR bills/laws; Spring HHW
SMI brings back cheaper glass to glass recycling
Braintree, Weymouth see drops in contamination
Commodity value surge >> SSR cost relief
Scituate hosts fishing gear collection
Marshfield Fair internalizes recycling program
Air Quality Sensor grants available
PaintCare reaches 5 million gallon milestone
Oregon passes 2nd US packaging PR law; Mass. news
NH becoming “dumping ground” for Mass trash
July 2021
May Board meeting highlights
ACV Enviro: Mobile HHW collections
EBoard re-elected
East Bridgewater accepted as new Member
Backlogs and flags, fires and bags
East Bridgewater becomes 18th SSRC Member
SSRC Towns apply for record RDP cash
Fall HHW events in the works
Ashley Kenney joins Cohasset DPW
Welcome, baby Allen!
Dwindling RDP, MAC funding source gets boost
EPR supporters pack Beacon Hill hearing (remotely)
Maine 1st in US to enact packaging EPR (Globe)
Major corporations endorse Packaging EPR
ACC: Mandate 30% recycled content in packaging
LA, NYC to electrify refuse fleets
May 2021
April Board meeting highlights
2021 RDP Grant application is live, due 7/14
2020 Round 2 Municipal Grant awards announced
Hundreds turn out for Plymouth Electronics event
SSRC back on the air, with 3 new ads
HHW event notification to DEP
BBBS Foundation seeks muni textile partnerships
Statewide MRC meeting: Organics Part 2, 6/3
Calls for muni input: Battery Disposal, MSP8
Pandemic brings more trash to South Shore curbs
Plexiglas presents problems at MRFs
Recycle boat wrap
Disposal capacity report re-sounds the alarm
Ben & Jerry’s waste makes watts, water
April 2021
March Board Meeting notes, updates
Bootstrap Compost
Multitown recycling RFP
Municipal recycling cost relief
BST, MassDEP sponsor WATD radio ads
Some MassDEP grants in limbo
MRC presents various local HHW models
Clear up confusion- sync to RecycleSmart
PAYT bag pricing raises State Contract questions
EBC NE “Talking Trash” – shrinking disposal capacity
Packaging EPR a top priority of ME, NY lawmakers
Colgate-Palmolive launches 100% PCR bottle
Chemical recycling a focus of nat’l plastics debate
Go big or go home on nat’l recycling policy (op-ed)
March 2021
- January Board Meeting notes, updates
New England Recycling – C&D
2020 Annual Report
DEP Recycling data survey help
Glass recycling transfer station being explored
Spring 2021 HHW season - Multitown Recycling RFP work continues
- Norwell airs PSA “Can I Recycle This?”
- Producer Pay Legislation relieves munis, haulers
- MRF Transparency bill helps muni programs
- Plastic makers supportinclusive packaging EPR
- Hamilton is 1st Mass. town to mandate food waste separation
- Lettuce get personal

January 2021
- December Board Meeting notes, updates
Save That Stuff
Braintree voted SSRC’s 17th Member
Textile Recycling show
2020 HHW roundup
EPR for Printed Paper & Packaging - SSRC welcomes new Member Braintree!
- SSRC releases landmark
- Multitown recycling RFP
- Municipal Recycling Council: TS BMPs
- 2020 Recycling surveys, RDP reports due 2/15
- NERC reports growing recycling paper capacity
- Mass. EPR bill covers muni, hauler recycling costs
- Oregon EPR recommendations
- Recycling operators address packaging EPR

December 2020
November Board Meeting notes, updates
Casella Waste Systems
Grinding and screening contracts extended
2021 DEP Grants
Paper and packaging EPR legislation
Hull DPW & SSRC host electronics collection
Important DEP grant information
Support for MA Packaging/paper EPR bill grows
Big Oil & plastics recycling: the rest of the storySWANA listserv: Cameras deter dumping
Major CT WTE plant closing in 2022
Companies prepare for battery tsunami
MassDEP America Recycles Month resources

November 2020
Link to Full Newsletter
September Board Meeting notes, updates
- ACV Enviro introduces curbside. HHW Contracts, school recycling
- HHW Pre-registration smooths out attendance
- Hanover rescues 800 gallons of latex paint
- MassDEP awards SSRC Towns $188K
- SSRC submits comments on SWMP, regs
- MassDEP presents RRRecycle-palooza
- Ontario mill expansion to use OCC, mixed paper
- E-cigs a growing fire hazard in waste stream
- Promising packaging progress
CA passes 1st-in-nation plastics recycling law
NJ passes Paper/plastic bag, EPS ban
Industry groups float disposal surcharges
BK to introduce reusable food packaging
J&J overhauling packaging for sustainability - Creating a more equitable recycling system
- EPA Draft Nat’l Recycling Strategy out for comment

September 2020
Fall HHW collections feature new vendor, system
School recycling required for 2021 grants
Greasy pizza boxes ARE recyclable, per paper industry
Marshfield Fair cancelled. Story of Fair recycling
BJs reverses policy on toxic hand sanitizer
Other Producer Responsibility news
Recycling infrastructure expanding
Electronic waste still piling up
Vermont bans food waste in trash
Republic Services orders 2500 electric trucks
June 2020
- April Board meeting notes, updates
- Good Point Recycling
- SMRP grant prep, update
- Recycling cost concerns
- June Board meeting notes, updates
- Bay State Textile
- EBoard: Cafferty elected Chairman
- Longtime leader Brown recognized
- Pandemic program progress
- HHW Mega Event keeps south shore waters safe
- reusable gag “ban”, plastic ban suspentions continue
- Bottle and can redemption, bag recycling resumes
- Munis seek regulatory relief from recycling costs
- STB sides with Recyclers over unfair rail practices
- 3 south shore classes win Green Team awards
- DEP Reduce and Reuse workgroup tackles culture shift
- Landfill battery storage supplements solar income
- top consumer brands falling short of recycling goals
- Words of wisdom from SWANA and MassRecycle chiefs
April 2020
- January Board meeting notes, updates
- GreenCastle Video
- Chairman Brown stepping down
- MassDEP Update
- Propane tanks, Li-Ion batteries, & school composting
- Don’t let the coronavirus steal your grants
- COVID chaos corner
- Muni recycling costs surging, despite market stabilization
- Cambridge achieves 30% trash reduction milestone
- Domestic recycled paper and plastic capacity increasing
- Producer responsibility legislation news
January 2020
- November Board meeting notes, updates
- Darby Marketing November Board meeting notes, updates
- Grinding, Screening contracts extended
- Options for managing HHW cost increase
- Propane tanks
- DEP awards SSRC Towns $251K in Grants
- DEP grant changes: spend, report, recycle in schools
- MassDEP’s Draft 10 year Solid Waste Master Plan
- Northeast Blended commodity values, composition surveyed
- NY Gov Cuomo signs 11th Paint Stewardship bill
- Recycling outreach legislation hits US Senate
- Aerosol cans added to Universal Waste Program
- Recycling becoming so expensive that some towns…
- Good news amid the bad
November 2019

- October Board meeting notes, updates
- MXI Environmental
- Landis-Naumann elected secretary
- FY20 Plan, survey
- Extended Producer responsibility (EPR) bills
- What’s your problem? (propane tanks)
- Plastic bag bans
- Director joins KMB video discussion on bag bans
- MassDEP offers Reduce, Reuse, Repair microgrants
- Schedule end of year Universal Waste Shed pickups
- Resources for mercury education
- Conference about plastics recycling issues hits the mark
- Landmark National bill proposes EPR, container deposits, bans
- Report: How much recycled plastic are big brands using?
- A ray of hope for fiber markets
- From the SWANA listserv: Single to dual stream switch
October 2019

- August Board meeting notes, updates
- Waste Zero
- HHW contract awarded to MXI
- FY20 Plan, Survey
- RECO program final report
- Meet our new HHW Specialist
- Newsletter subscribers surpass 600
- Weymouth Schools net $50K from textile recycling
- Republic drivers’ strike: A taste of things to come?
- As Landfills close, Mass. running out of waste space
- Mass. proposes bigger waste reduction target, more bans
- Producer responsibility bills hearing set on Beacon Hill
- Maine Gov signs packaging stewardship resolution
- CA Lawmakers punt on landmark plastics bill
- So, should we still recycle?
August 2019

- SSRC tours new Zero Waste Solutions facility
- Pembroke joins SSRC
- EBoard welcomes Jonathan Beder
- Winners of the membership Dues race are…
- SSRCOOP.info overhauled and launched
- SSRC goes out to bid for HHW
- RECO Grant final report gives important insights
- DEP Grant applications break records
- NERC Conference in Providence: Much Ado About Plastics
- Boston announces Zero Waste Plan, seeks food waste bids
- Experts bullish on paper and plastic markets
- Covanta price increases continue, revenues dip
- Pace Glass facing legal charges; facility still planned
- National EPR for packaging proposed
June 2019

- May Board meeting notes, updates
- Black Earth Compost
- HHW Contracting
- Executive Board nominations
- Plastic bag ban legislation
- Website upgrade coming SOON!
- Battery recycling
- Final RECO Report
- Hanson’s Dias named “Unsung Heroine of Commonwealth”
- Taste of Hingham incorporates Zero Waste practices
- Kingston runs its first Fixit Clinic
- MPHA honors Plymouth Health Director
- Paint Stewardship Bill passes NY State Legislature
- Maine to introduce Producer responsibility bill for packaging waste
- Municipalities want industry to pay for packaging waste – CBS
- From the SWANA listserv: glass, single and dual stream recycling
- Experts duel over dual-stream’s merits
- Events
May 2019

- March Board meeting notes and updates
- Green Mattress Company
- HHW contract planning for 2020
- Grant planning final stretch
- RECO report
- Position on disposable bag bans
- Website upgrades coming
- SSRC takes position on disposable bag bans, testifies
- SSRC welcomes new managers in 6 Member Towns
- Do you know where your SMRP grant funds come from?
- Events
March 2019

- February Board Meeting Notes, Updates
- Bay State Textiles
- 2018 Annual Report
- Plymouth’s Sterilis sharps system
- Recycling IQ Kit grant
- Position on disposable bag bans
- RECO Report: Scituate, Norwell, Middleboro, Plymouth
- SSRC shows how to get synergy with RecycleSmartPartner Spotlight
- SE Municipal Recycling Council: bulky waste, mattresses
- SWANAPalooza: remaking recyclingSWANA SNE, PSI Producer Responsibility summit
- MasssRecycle Summit: solutions to recycling challengesEvents
February 2019

- January Board meeting notes, updates
- RDP grant planning
- Plastic bag bans without fees
- Municipal program updates
- RECO Report-Scituate
- Cutler files packaging product stewardship bill
- SSRC marks 20 years of service
- Propane tank recycling changes
- Second chance to do Textile webinar
- Zero Waste Solutions construction update
- SWANA SNE to host EPR Summit at SWANAPalooza
- MassRecycle Summit and Trade Show
- Using recycled materials in roads, infrastructure
- URT converts CRTs into tile feedstock
- OEM group crafts national CRT funding proposal
- Events
January 2019

- December Board meeting notes, updates
- JM Equipment glass processing
- Outreach grant plan
- RDP Grant planning
- Contamination surchargesMeet our new RECO, Dorie Stolley
- Welcome to 3 new Board membersDirector to give 20th Anniversary Water Watch talkMassDEP Textile webinar – learn and earn easy RDP point
- ZWS recycling facility on track to open in April
- EcoMaine: Markets will rebound
- WM Charts market shift, trends
- Events
December 2018

- October Board meeting notes, updates Republic Services
- Grind-screen contract extended
- RDP Outreach point pointers
- SSRC Outreach grant plan
- SSRC 20th Anniversary logo, story
- RECO reboot
- Fall HHW season recap
- New faces, open seats
- SSRC Facebook post “explodes”
- Cohasset RDF installs surveillance cameras
- Plymouth offers new sharps program
- 50K mattresses recycled with DEP grant
- Recycled paper capacity increasing in NA
- EPA’s Wheeler pledge: make recycling great again events
October 2018

- September Board meeting notes, updates
- Good Point Recycling (electronics)
- Recycling markets, costs
- Disaster debris planning
- RecycleSmart media launch
- 20th Anniversary planning
- NAHMMA Conference notes
- RECO Report
- Mayors discuss recycling issues
- Election day: easy outreach RDP opportunity
- Pace Glass has national ambitions
- Rising costs rev up stewardship efforts
- What Chinese import policies mean for Mass.
- Nine Dragons to recycle paper at US mills
- End-market effort grows plastic demand
- PBS videos about plastic worth watching
September 2018

- June Board meeting notes, updates
- Miller Recycling
- EBoard election
- Recycling markets, outlets, costs
- SSRC, Member towns, awarded $150K in grants
- RECO report: 7 towns in one summer
- Miller Recycling hosts SSRC tour
- Mayors to discuss recycling crisis
- Website traffic, newsletter circulation soaring
- Janine Bishop promoted to Grant program lead
- MassDEP launches “Recycle Smart” campaign
- Shorter recyclable list announced
- MassDEP awards regional glass recycling grants
- Tariffs, trade war spurs Chinese investment in US
- Low OCC prices help US mills
- Keep Calm and Recycle On
- Events
June 2018

- May Board meeting notes, updates
- Waste Zero – curbside textile collection
- Recycling markets, outlets, costs
- Packaging stewardship legislation
- Big Hearted Books alternatives
- Surplus property opportunities
- New Town officials
- Tour of Recolor Paint
- PGA Tour of C Carney Environmental
- RECO report- Kingston, Plymouth, Norwell, Rockland
- Rockland passes private hauler recycling reg
- Problems, solutions explored in news, at State House
- Rockland’s McCarthy featured on WGBH
- South shore programs make Globe front page
- Resource Recycling runs SSRC Director Op Ed
- Lawmakers, stakeholders discuss packaging bill
- South Shore schools receive Green Team awards
- MassDEP helps navigate recycling storms
- Events
May 2018
- April Board meeting notes, updates
- RMG Enterprise
- Single stream, glass discussion HHW billing proposed procedure changes
- Recycling Dividend Program planning
- IMA extension status
- SSRC on the air for ten weeks
- RECO report- Kingston, Norwell, Rockland, Hull
- ABC called to Plymouth BOS meeting
- Hull mandate aims to bundle trash, recycling
- Good intentions, bad habits fuel recycling crisis
- Importance of cleaning up recycling stream
- The elephant in the room: a case for producer responsibility
- States look at EPR, funding cuts, mandates
- Nestle promises 100% recyclable packaging by 2025
- Events
April 2018

- March meeting notes and updates
- Recolor Paint
- Grind-Screen contractor introductions
- Glass management options
- RDP grant planning
- IMA Extensions – All towns have signed
- HHW administration changes
- Facebook update
- RECO Report- Kingston, Plymouth, Norwell, Rockland
- SSRC PSAs on the WATD 95.9 fm
- Kingston’s new swap shop all about give and take
- Hingham High wins MassRecycle K-12 award
- What lies in store for area recycling?
- Glass recycling update from MassDEP
- Mass. tackles contamination with Recycling IQ grants
- Giddy-up: adapting post-China
- Events
February 2018

- January meeting notes, updates
- RecycleThat presentation
- Annual Report
- Grind Screen contract awards
- Small scale Outreach Grant proposals
- Recycling Dividend Program planning
- Recycling IQ Kit grants available through April
- January RECO Report: Kingston and Plymouth
- Kingston is putting haulers on notice
- Duxbury BOH considers hauler recycling rule
- RDP funds may be used for high recycling costs
- SSRC organizes contingency planning meeting
- Glass Recycling halts with Milford plant closure
- MassDEP addresses recycling challenges
- Rep. Cantwell responds to Digital R2R request
- Events
January 2018

- December Meeting notes, updates
- Waste Management presentation
- HHW contract
- Grind Screen IFB
- Small scale outreach grant proposals
- RECO Report- Middleboro, Kingston, Plymouth
- Cohasset pay-per-throw scofflaws warned
- NBWS Announces Plans to Open Facility in Fall
- RDP grant reports, recycling data due Feb. 15
- Contracting for Solid Waste & Recycling Services
- Organics recovery, capacity growing in Mass.
- Maxed out Mass. MRFs prompt disposal waivers
- Chinese processing group sets goals for US visit
- Recycling Partnership Update: Where it’s at
- Events